I need help to optimize this SQL query, so that it would run much faster.
What I am trying to do is, get the latest values of DATA out of these tables:
TABLE: Quotes
ID QuoteNumber LastUpdated(inticks) PolicyId
1 C1000 1000000000000 100
1 D2000 1001111111110 200
2 A1000 1000000000000 300
2 B2000 1002222222222 400
TABLE: Policies
ID CustomerName Blah1(dummy column)
100 Mark someData
200 Lisa someData2
300 Brett someData3
400 Goku someData4
LastUpdated Id(quoteId) QuoteNumber CustomerName
1001111111110- -1- -D2000- -Lisa
1002222222222- -2- -B2000- -Goku
Select DISTINCT subquery1.LastUpdated,
(Select q.id,
Max(q.LastUpdated) from Quotes q
where q.LastUpdated > @someDateTimeParameter
and q.QuoteNumber is not null
and q.IsDiscarded = 0
GROUP BY q.id) as subquery1
LEFT JOIN Quotes q2
on q2.id = subquery1.id
and q2.LastUpdated = subquery1.LastUpdated
INNER JOIN Policies p
on p.id = q2.PolicyId
where p.blah1 = @someBlahParameter
ORDER BY subquery1.LastUpdated
Here is the actual execution plan: https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=SkD3fPdwD
I think you're looking for something like this
with q_cte as (
select q.Id, q.QuoteNumber, q.LastUpdated,
row_number() over (partition by q.id order by q.LastUpdated desc) rn
from Quotes q
where q.LastUpdated>@someDateTimeParameter
and q.QuoteNumber is not null
and q.IsDiscarded=0)
select q.*, p.CustomerName
from q_cte q
join Policies p on q.PolicyId=p.id
where q.rn=1 /* Only the lastest date */
and p.blah1=someBlahParameter
order by q.LastUpdated;