import pyautogui as pug
from PIL import Image, ImageGrab
from time import sleep
from numpy import asarray
def screenshot():
"""Takes Screenshot of the current window"""
img = ImageGrab.grab().convert('L') #To convert the current image in B & W format
return img
if __name__ == "__main__":
img = screenshot()
data = img.load()
print(asarray(img)) #Displays the image in matrix form
#To make a black pixel over the image at coordinate(X:460 Y:320) [Not working :/]
data[420,320] = 0
This code should create a black pixel over the image: "img" at the coordinate 420, 320 But the problem is that it doesn't create such pixel. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
It actually works! 1 pixel is too small to see. You can increase the area you want to make black.
Try this
for _ in range(410, 430):
for __ in range(310, 330):
data[_, __] = 0
Instead of
data[420, 320] = 0