so i have 2 labels. one of them is a fixed number and doesn't change but the other one changes every 5 seconds. Now i want to multiply them automatically and show them in another label as Results.
what should i do? what am i doing wrong?
i tried this code but it says "operator * cannot be applied to string and string".
label1.Text = BTC_A.Text * BTCPrice_Label.Text;
then i tried
double txt1 = Convert.ToDouble(BTC_A.Text); double txt2 = Convert.ToDouble(BTCPrice_Label.Text); double sum = txt1 * txt2; label1.Text = sum.ToString();
but it says "Input string was not in a correct format"
so the problem was a dollar sign ( $ ) that i put before the numbers.
i just deleted the sign and this is what the code looks like now:
double AA;
if (!double.TryParse(BTC_A.Text, out AA))
MessageBox.Show($"Unable to convert the BTC_A \"{BTC_A.Text}\" to a floating point number");
double btcA;
if (!double.TryParse(BTCPrice_Label.Text, out btcA))
MessageBox.Show($"Unable to convert the price \"{BTCPrice_Label.Text}\" to a floating point number");
label1.Text = (AA * btcA).ToString();