I am trying to Unpivot columns and get 1 attributes and 2 value from a pandas dataframe, could anyone help me on this?
original data:
id Jan-Value1 Jan-Value2 Feb-Value1 Feb-Value2
1 1 10 2 15
2 0 5 3 20
desire output:
id Month Value1 Value2
1 Jan 1 10
1 Feb 2 15
2 Jan 0 5
2 Feb 3 20
One possible way to do this is to use MultiIndex
and stack
. For this solution, I am assuming that id
is the index of the dataframe:
#df.set_index('id',inplace=True) #set 'id' as index
#creating a Multiindex using existing columns
df.columns = df.columns.str.split('-', expand=True).swaplevel(0,1)
#stacking the dataframe
df = df.stack().reset_index()
#renaming the column
id Month Value1 Value2
0 1 Feb 2 15
1 1 Jan 1 10
2 2 Feb 3 20
3 2 Jan 0 5