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Unit of work pattern not allowing me to create db context without options

I am using ef core and I am trying to implement the repository pattern as part of best practices. But I am we bit confused on the context normally I would create the context in the and inject

HomeController(WarehouseDBContext _context)

I have created my unitOfWork Class as suggested by the docs here

However I am tad confused. It's expecting options here which is normally handled on the controller.

My UnitOfWork class

public class WarehouseUnitOfWork : IDisposable
    private WarehouseDBContext context = new WarehouseDBContext();
    private WarehouseRepository<StockItem> stockRepository;

    public WarehouseRepository<StockItem> StockRepoistry

            if (this.stockRepository == null)
                this.stockRepository = new WarehouseRepository<StockItem>(context);
            return stockRepository;
    public void Save()

    private bool disposed = false;

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!this.disposed)
            if (disposing)
        this.disposed = true;

    public void Dispose()

But here it is complain that it expect options which would I presume contain the connection string. I am trying to decouple my code from EF so that If I want to upgrade in the future will be easier. My WareshouseDBContext is describe below

As you can see it is expecting options. What should I pass through here?

namespace WareHouseDal.Dal {
 public class WarehouseDBContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser> {
      public WarehouseDBContext(DbContextOptions<WarehouseDBContext> options)
        : base(options) {

    public DbSet<WarehouseCrm> Warehouse { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; }


When I used to create my context before I just used the singleton pattern of

private readonly WarehouseDBContext _context;

Is their something else I need to do to allow it to accept the creation of the context on the unit of work level.

Error being given is

enter image description here


  • You shouldn't create a DbContext manually. Why not injecting the DbContext in your UOW class? Then the DI will manage the life cycle of the db context. To be honest I am not a fan of adding a UOW wrapper around EF which already implements the UOW pattern.

    I would recommend you to see both talks, it will change the way you structure apps forever:

    Another amazing talk about EF Core details:

    If you want to stick with Repository pattern, please check Ardalis repository with a clear example: