We have a Cloud Workflows recipe setup like this:
- readWikipedia:
call: http.post
url: https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v4/shorten
Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
Content-type: "application/json"
domain: bit.ly
long_url: https://cloud.google.com/blog
result: bitresult
- returnResult:
return: ${bitresult.body[0]}
And we get an error with: TypeError: dictionary key must be a string; got: int
This is the full response we get:
argument: 'null'
endTime: '2020-10-16T17:40:17.595823493Z'
context: in step "returnResult"
payload: '{"message":"TypeError: dictionary key must be a string; got: int","tags":["TypeError"]}'
name: projects/985596417983/locations/us-central1/workflows/http_post/executions/5bfc56c0-b498-4149-9d28-2c0d51295a9a
startTime: '2020-10-16T17:40:17.297154818Z'
state: FAILED
workflowRevisionId: 000006-e18
When you get an error, you need to read the error message.
It provides you the context: in step "returnResult"
And the error means that ${bitresult.body[0]}
the position 0
doesn't exists in the output.
Bit.ly returns a json document like :
"link":"//bit .ly/35452TM",
so it doesn't have a body[0]
instead it has body.link