I am trying to combine multiple NetCDF files using xarray.
Here are my dimensions:
Dimensions: (Time: 1, XCells: 2000, YCells: 1000)
longitude (YCells, XCells) float32
latitude (YCells, XCells) float32
* Time (Time) datetime64[ns]
Dimensions without coordinates: XCells, YCells
Combine by_coords only works for 1-dimensional coordinates. combining spatial netcdf files using xarray python
However, when I use combine="nested", It repeats latitude and longitude for Time.
float longitude(Time, YCells, XCells);
longitude:_FillValue = NaNf;
float latitude(Time, YCells, XCells);
latitude:_FillValue = NaNf;
Latitude and Longitude are 2-D, but the same across the time. Does Xarray have a way of combining this data?
I combined the files by time using netcdf-python and numpy.
The code for copying one dataset to another is similar to Xavier Ho's solution here: python netcdf: making a copy of all variables and attributes but one
Variables that I didn't want to repeat I copied directly. For the time dimension and variable altering with time, I altered the copy expression using numpy slices.