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Is there anyone who has successfully published ios AppClip to your users on TestFlight env , or production env?

I developed an AppClip for ios 14.

It worked in my dev env, with Local Experience configured in ios developer menu setting.

But after I published it to test flight, there was no SmartAppBanner appear in safari.

Here my check list:

  • [x] Configure the apple-app-site-association
  • [x] Scan QR code to open AppClip successfully in dev mode
  • [x] Scan QR code to open AppClip notice me: This app was not available in your country when I test the TestFlight
  • [x] I've completed configure my AppClip + experiences in AppStoreConnect for Testflight
  • [x] The url prefix I've registered in TestFlight is:
  • [x] Open my url: in Safari, there is an SmartAppBanner show me the MainApp
  • [x] Open my url: in Safari, there is no SmartAppBanner appears => Expectation: There must be an SmartAppBanner that show me "Open by in appclip" with open button
  • [x] I've installed the AppClip (not the main app) from TestFlight, but after scanned the QR code, it shows me a blank AppClip Card with: "This app clip is not currently in your country or region

enter image description here

  • [x] To get rid of "Not available in your country", I goto IOS setting > Developer > AppClip Setting > Register my local experiences ==> Then it can show my local AppClip Card ===> I think Apple does not accept my appclips registration on TestFlight OR they do not allow my country (Vietnam) to use app clips?

I don't intend to publish my app to production if I cannot test it on Testflight.

Will publishing to production work?


  • Smart App Banner for App Clip appear only when the App and App Clip are Ready For Sale in the Store. In TestFlight you are able to test App Clip, but not the App Clip Card Experience.

    Here is a relevant thread in Apple Support Forum: This from directly from Apple staff:

    Safari's Smart App Banner and sharing via Messages is only available when the app clip is published in the App Store.