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How to add children user to an account?

As Dailymotion API documentation states, a user needs to have a specific role called "can-adopt-users" in order to accomplish this. However, I can't find a way to activate this role in a user account by API nor user configuration pages. Is this done manually by Dailymotion staff? I tried adding all possible scopes when requesting a new access_token, but this role is never showed in token's properties.

Another question, this role should be activated on parent's account, children's accounts or both?


  • API roles are different than scopes, they can't be activated by users and are only granted by Dailymotion staff. You should contact your content manager or our support for this kind of request.

    Unfortunately today this feature is unavailable from the API as it is being totally refactored. We will put an update on this documentation page

    Another question, this role should be activated on parent's account, children's accounts or both?

    This role is on the API key level of the parent account