I have a Node class that takes a variable number of keyword arguments representing choices the player can take and destinations that should be connected to those choices. Thus depending on the input of the user a certain other Node instance's play() method should be called.
class Node:
def __init__(self, txt, **kwargs):
self.txt = txt
c_key, d_key = "c", "d"
choices = [val for key, val in self.__dict__.items() if c_key in key]
destinations = [val for key, val in self.__dict__.items() if d_key in key]
self.choices = choices
self.destinations = destinations
def play(self):
for c in self.choices:
decision = input()
dec = int(decision)
for choice in self.choices:
if choice.startswith(decision):
self.destinations[dec-1].play() <- this obviously doesn't work
node_0 = Node("Intro-Text",
c1 = "1) Choice A",
d1 = "node_1",
c2 = "2) Choice B",
d2 = "node_2")
node_1 = Node("Text Node 1")
When the user's input is "1" for example, node_1.play() should be called because d1 = "node_1", when the input is "2", node_2.play() because there is a 2 in d2 and so on.
Your main code should probably be altered to pass node references, rather than strings that identify the nodes:
node_1 = Node("Text Node 1")
node_2 = Node("Text Node 2")
node_0 = Node("Intro-Text",
c1 = "1) Choice A",
d1 = node_1, # pass node reference instead of string
c2 = "2) Choice B",
d2 = node_2) # pass node reference instead of string