I am struggling with the maths here. My goal is to generate a value based on the mouse position relative to the middle of the window. The output should be a range of -1 to 1, meaning that the extreme left is -1, middle of the window 0 and extreme right 1. How can I achieve that?
Thank you in advance.
// Mouse event
var mousePosX, mousePosY, mouseOffsetX, mouseOffsetY;
onmousemove = function (e) {
// console.log(`mouse location = X: ${e.x}, Y: ${e.y}`);
mouseOffsetX = e.offsetX / percentX(100);
// mouseOffsetY = e.y / percentY(100)
mousePosX = e.pageX / percentX(100) - percentX(100);
mousePosY = e.y / percentY(100);
// if (mousePosX => 0.5) {
// mousePosX = mousePosX*1
// }else {
// mousePosX = mouse*-1
// }
Here is one way to do it. Divide mouse x-position with windowWidth so the position is between 0-1. Start from -1 and add xValue/windowWidth*2 so it is mapped between -1 and 1. With y position start from 1 so top 1 and bottom is -1.
onmousemove = function (e) {
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight
let windowWidth = window.innerWidth
let xValue = e.x
let yValue = e.y
let mousePosX = -1+(xValue/windowWidth)*2
let mousePosY = 1-(yValue/windowHeight)*2