pca.irix <- PCA(iris[ ,1:4])
gg <- factoextra::fviz_pca_biplot(X = pca.irix,
# samples
fill.ind = iris$Species, col.ind = 'black',
pointshape = 21, pointsize = 1.5,
geom.ind = 'point', repel = T,
geom.var = FALSE )
I would like to obtain a plot that is exactly like the plot above but without the specie setosa
I started doing this, but do not know how to continue
setosa_wo <- iris %>%
filter(Species != 'setosa')
gg + scale_x_continuous(limits = c((-2), 2)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c((-2), 2))
How to remove a colored group from a plot? But the plot should stay the same.
One approach to remove one or any number of groups from the plot would be to filter the data used for the layers, e.g. having a look at gg$layers
show that your PCA plot is composed of six layers, however only in the first two of the layers are the groups used as fill color. Therefore I simply filtered the data for these two layers which gives me a plot where setosa
is removed.
EDIT Following the suggestion by @DaveArmstrong I added his code to fix the ranges of the axes on the original ranges and addtionally added the original colors
pca.irix <- PCA(iris[ ,1:4])
gg <- factoextra::fviz_pca_biplot(X = pca.irix,
# samples
fill.ind = iris$Species, col.ind = 'black',
pointshape = 21, pointsize = 1.5,
geom.ind = 'point', repel = T,
geom.var = FALSE )
# First: Get the ranges
yrg <- ggplot2::layer_scales(gg)$y$range$range
xrg <- ggplot2::layer_scales(gg)$x$range$range
# Filter the data
gg$layers[[1]]$data <- dplyr::filter(gg$layers[[1]]$data, Fill. != "setosa")
gg$layers[[2]]$data <- dplyr::filter(gg$layers[[2]]$data, Fill. != "setosa")
gg +
# Set the limits to the original ones
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim=xrg, ylim=yrg, expand=FALSE) +
# Add orignial colors
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = scales::hue_pal()(3)[2:3])
Created on 2020-10-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)