This is very similar to the question posted here but nothing useful was mentioned.
I'm trying to look for documentation on how to create a new EditMode tool for the markup extension. Documentation is very scarce and I can't find the source code for markup extensions. The only thing I can find is here.
I'm trying to decipher this file:*/extensions/Markup/Markup.js but it has a lot of webpack references and is hard to read.
Has anyone managed to create a custom EditMode tool?
A member of my team has managed to find the source for the markup extension:
Unfortunately, implementing a custom markup type is not officially supported today. The documentation you found ( is not production ready.
While I still believe the markup code is not ready for custom markup implementation, here's a work-in-progress, custom markup tool drawing smiley faces:
In the sample app it is activated with a button click:
And here it is in action: