i'm currently working on Azure Pipelines to Distribute the app using App Center.
build and create certificate.p12 and provsion profile working fine, but in App Center Distribute task i got
Starting: App Center
Task : App Center distribute
Description : Distribute app builds to testers and users via Visual Studio App Center
Version : 3.173.0
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/app-center-distribute
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
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(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
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(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
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(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
(node:2022) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
##[error]"{\"message\":\"Resource not found: /v0.1/apps/https://appcenter.ms/users/[username]/apps/[appname]/uploads/releases. Correlation ID: bbc...\",\"statusCode\":404,\"code\":\"Not Found\"}"
http response code: 404
Finishing: App Center
YAML AppCenterDistribute job
- task: AppCenterDistribute@3
displayName: 'App Center'
serverEndpoint: Test
appSlug: 'https://appcenter.ms/users/[username]/apps/TestApp'
appFile: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)/**/*.ipa'
#symbolsIncludeParentDirectory: false
releaseNotesInput: 'test 123'
#isSilent: false
and here is my connection configuration.
You may try to edit the appSlug
from https://appcenter.ms/users/[username]/apps/TestApp
to [username]/TestApp
According to the following documentation:
After you've created the connection between Azure DevOps and App Center, Azure DevOps needs to know which app you want to distribute the signed build to. You can find the app slug by going to your project on App Center, and extracting it based on
. For example, the app slug forhttps://appcenter.ms/users/vigimm/apps/SkyTube
Also, the description of argument in App Center Distribute task indicates: