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Flutter Timer Issue

I implemented a Timer but it doesn't seem to be calling the callback() functions after the right duration, it starts by calling the callback after a few seconds and speeds up every time the callback is called. Ex. 5 sec --> callback(), 4 sec --> callback(), 2 --> callback(), 0.3 sec --> callback () ...

I would like to have a timer that reduces the value of an int after each second.

Current code - ViewModel:

  void displayCountdown(Item item) {
    timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (Timer _timer) => {
      if (lead.remainingTime >= 1) {
        item.remainingTime = item.remainingTime -= 1,
      }else {
        print('out of time'),

Code - View:

  ListTile _tile(Item item) {
    Duration duration = Duration(milliseconds: item.remainingTime);
    String countdown = '${duration.toString().split('.')[0]}';
    return ListTile(
      leading: CircleAvatar(
        backgroundImage:["avatarUrl"] == "" ? NetworkImage('') : NetworkImage(["avatarUrl"]),
      title: Text(["fullName"]),
      subtitle: Text(item.keywords.toString()),
      trailing: Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [Text('$countdown', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.grey))],),


  • I don't know why it didn't worked but I found an alternative that works.

    First, I create a getter for my countdowns. Second, when I get my items, I set each timer in my getter. Third, I create my timers with my getter values. Fourth, I call my getter at the index of the current tile in my view.

      List<int> get countDowns => _durations;
      List<int> _durations = [];
      List<Item> items = [];
      Future getItems() async {
        final response = await _api.getItems();
        if (response is SuccessState) {
          items = response.value;
          for (var item in items) {
        } else if (response is ErrorState) {
          String error = response.msg;
          print('Error $error');
        } else {
      void displayCountdowns() {
        for (var countDown in _durations) {
          Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { 
            countDown -= 1000;
            _durations[0] = countDown;

    Here is the code for the view:

    var duration = Duration(milliseconds:widget.model.countDowns[index]);
      ListTile _tile(Lead lead, Duration duration) {
        String countdown = '${duration.toString().split('.')[0]}';
        return ListTile(
          leading: CircleAvatar(
            backgroundImage:["avatarUrl"] == "" ? NetworkImage('') : NetworkImage(["avatarUrl"]),
          title: leadTitle(["fullName"]),
          subtitle: leadSubtitle(lead.keywords.toString()),
          trailing: Row(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [Text('$countdown', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.grey))],),