I am building a full stack MERN (MongoDB Express React Nodejs) application. I am using the NPM package Google Maps React to display google maps on my website. I am having difficulty coming up with a strategy to secure my front end google maps API key.
In order to fully understand my problem it may be helpful to review the Google Maps React component code below
import {Map, GoogleApiWrapper} from 'google-maps-react';
export class MapContainer extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Map google={this.props.google} >
export default GoogleApiWrapper({
Possible Solutions
Solution A
Solution B
Concerns with solution A
Concerns with solution B
file and therefore the google maps API key will not be available when the app is deployedThank you for your thoughts and time.
PS I used create-react-app
You have various options to securely store an api key. If you are using CircleCi for continuous builds, you can create an environment key. Check your build solution for something similar.
There are also alternatives for encrypting files such as git-secret. That way you could use an environment config file.
Bottom line do not store keys in code or in config files unless you have it encrypted.