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Can hypertext be used with pm3d surface plot in Gnuplot?

I am trying to read coordinates of various points of the 3D surface (heatmap) created with pm3d. If I plot just the points in the 3D space with splot command, I can use hypertext to display their X, Y, Z coordinates interactively. But when I use pm3d command, hypertext seems not working. Is it possible to use simultaneously hypertext and pm3d?


  • Does this work for you?

    f(a,b) = sin(a)*cos(b)
    set xrange [-pi:pi]; set yrange [-pi:pi]
    set samples 21; set isosamples 21
    set pm3d 
    set pm3d depthorder
    splot '++' using 1:2:(f($1,$2)):(sprintf("%.2g %.2g %.2g",$1,$2,f($1,$2))) \
          with labels point lc "#FF000000" hypertext

    That should give you a pm3d surface with hypertext labels at each vertex. The point lc "#FF000000" is to make the points transparent so they don't interfere with viewing the surface.