Using reflection I have an object which I need to cast into an iterable list of items (type unknown, will be object). Using the Watch window I can see my object is an array of some type as it tells me the number of elements and I can explode the tree view to see the elements themselves.
Firstly, I need to check that the object passed is some kind of array (might be List, might be object[], etc). Then I need to iterate through that array. However, I can't do the type conversion.
Here's how I'm using it (abbreviated):
private static void Example(object instance, PropertyInfo propInfo)
object anArray = propInfo.GetValue(instance, null);
ArrayList myList = anArray as ArrayList;
foreach (object element in myList)
// etc
I've tried various different casts. The above doesn't raise an exception but mylist is null when anArray actually exists and contains items. The actual instance being saved is a strongly-typed List<> but could take a limited subset of forms if necessary. But the point of the exercise is that this Example() method doesn't know the basic type of the property.
Casting it to an ArrayList is only going to work if the object actually is an ArrayList. It wont work with a System.Array, or a System.Collections.Generic.List`1 for example.
I think what you actually should do is cast it to IEnumerable, since that is your only requirement to loop over it...
object anArray = propInfo.GetValue(instance, null);
IEnumerable enumerable = anArray as IEnumerable;
if (enumerable != null)
foreach(object element in enumerable)
// etc...