I'm reading a chunk from a big file, loading it in memory as a list of lines, then processing a task on every line.
The sequential solution was taking too long so I started looking at how to parallelize it.
The first solution I came up with is with Process and managing each subprocess' slice of the list.
import multiprocessing as mp
BIG_FILE_PATH = 'big_file.txt'
CHUNKSIZE = '1000000'
N_PROCESSES = mp.cpu_count()
def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
while True:
data = file_object.read(chunk_size)
if not data:
yield data
with open(BIG_FILE_PATH, encoding="Latin-1") as file:
for piece in read_in_chunks(file, CHUNKSIZE):
jobs = []
piece_list = piece.splitlines()
piece_list_len = len(piece_list)
item_delta = round(piece_list_len/N_PROCESSES)
start = 0
for process in range(N_PROCESSES):
finish = start + item_delta
p = mp.Process(target=work, args=(piece_list[start:finish]))
start = finish
for job in jobs:
It completes each chunk in roughly 2498ms.
Then I discovered the Pool tool to automatically manage the slices.
import multiprocessing as mp
BIG_FILE_PATH = 'big_file.txt'
CHUNKSIZE = '1000000'
N_PROCESSES = mp.cpu_count()
def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
while True:
data = file_object.read(chunk_size)
if not data:
yield data
with open(BIG_FILE_PATH, encoding="Latin-1") as file:
with mp.Pool(N_PROCESSES) as pool:
for piece in read_in_chunks(file, CHUNKSIZE):
piece_list = piece.splitlines()
pool.map(work, piece_list)
It completes each chunk in roughly 15540ms, 6 times slower than manual but still faster than sequential.
Am I using the Pool wrong? Is there a better or faster way to do this?
Thank you for reading.
The Pool has quite the overhead as Hannu suggested.
The work function called by the Process method is expecting a list of lines.
The work function called by the Pool method is expecting a single line because of how the Pool is deciding the slices.
I'm not quite sure how to make the pool give a certain worker more than one line at a time.
That should solve the problem?
Update 2
Final question, is there a 3rd better way to do it?
Oh boy! This was quite a ride to figure out, but very fun nonetheless.
The Pool.map is getting, pickling and passing every item individually from the iterator to each one of the workers. Once a worker is done, rinse and repeat, get -> pickle -> pass. This creates a noticeable overhead cost.
This is actually intended because the Pool.map isn't smart enough to know the length of the iterator, nor is able to effectively make a list of lists and passing each list inside it (chunk) to a worker.
But, it can be helped. Simply transforming the list to a list of chunks (lists) with a list comprehension works like a charm and reduces the overhead to the same level as the Process method.
import multiprocessing as mp
BIG_FILE_PATH = 'big_file.txt'
CHUNKSIZE = '1000000'
N_PROCESSES = mp.cpu_count()
def read_in_chunks(file_object, chunk_size=1024):
while True:
data = file_object.read(chunk_size)
if not data:
yield data
with open(BIG_FILE_PATH, encoding="Latin-1") as file:
with mp.Pool(N_PROCESSES) as pool:
for piece in read_in_chunks(file, CHUNKSIZE):
piece_list = piece.splitlines()
piece_list_len = len(piece_list)
item_delta = round(piece_list_len / N_PROCESSES)
pool.map(work, [piece_list[i:i + item_delta] for i in range(0, piece_list_len, item_delta)])
This Pool with a list of lists iterator has the exact same running time of the Process method.