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KStream-KStream-Join with different Results on consecutive executions

Because I don't know whether my question will be reopened.. here a more precise question.

I have StreamA (containing a product which is produced within a 30 minutes interval) and StreamB (containing measurements from 4 different sensors, producing a measurement every 5 minutes each). These two streams are joined on a common key. StreamC is the result of this join and contains measurementEnrichedProducts.

I have ~15k products and ~250k measurements. Below are the results:

Run   Num records within StreamC
1     149,389
2     149,362
3     149,363
4     149,411

Each run had the exact same config and the events in streamA/B were the same too.

I really do not know why this is the case. Is it possible that there are any problems with the underlying statestores?


  • I was restarting the application too fast...

    When playing with the I noticed that the results were stable (same amount every execution) but less than before. After letting the application run for more than 15 minutes ([10minutes]) I received some more results and the number of records in streamC were stable too.

    Removing again and waiting long enough lead to the same results.

    I suspect the problem occurred due to the out-of-order input data and internal buffers not being filled.