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Coroutine keeps crashing without showing error

I'm developing in MVP. In my Presenter, I call my Repository thanks to the suspend function. In this suspend function, I launch a Coroutine - not on the main thread. When this coroutine is finished, I want to execute some code: I am using withContext() in order to do so.

In my Repository, I am launching a Coroutine (and maybe I am wrong) to insert my data, using DAO, in my Room database.

When I debug my application, it goes into my Presenter but crashes before going into my Repository.


    override suspend fun insertUserResponse(activity: Activity, data: UserResponse) {
        scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            try {

                withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
            } catch (error: Exception) {
                Log.e("ERROR PRESENTER", "${error.message}")


    override suspend fun insertUserResponse(userResponse: UserResponse) {
        GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            try {
                val existingUser: UserResponse? =

                existingUser?.let {
                } ?: userResponseDAO.insertUser(userResponse)
            } catch (error: Exception) {
                Log.e("ERROR REPOSITORY", "${error.message}")


I have no error shown in my logcat.


Scope initialization

    private var parentJob: Job = Job()

    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
        get() = uiContext + parentJob

    private val scope = CoroutineScope(coroutineContext)

val uiContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main (initialized in my class constructor)

Stack trace

enter image description here


  • I finally found the answer!

    Thanks to @sergiy I read part II of this article and it mentions that you can't catch error except Throwable and CancellationException.

    So instead of catching Exception, I traded it for Throwable. And finally I had an error shown in my logcat.

    I am using Koin to inject my repository and all. I was missing my androidContext() in my Koin application. That's it.