I am new to visual studio,(vs 2019)
I am trying to build example files in the OpenDDS directory
as in readme,
Instructions for Building the Example (assuming ACE, TAO, DDS, and MPC are installed and configured): - done
Windows, VC 7.1: perl %ACE_ROOT%\bin\mwc.pl -type vc71 StockQuoter.mwc Unix, GNU Make: $ACE_ROOT/bin/mwc.pl -type gnuace StockQuoter.mwc
how to build this? I get importing window
after proceeding so many errors in vs, cannot build, why is that?
You have to generate the solutions with the correct MPC project type, you are now generating solutions for Visual Studio 2003. Replace -type vc71
with -type vs2019
and build it again.