I´m developing a API on Python 3 using Flask and trying to insert data to Mysql, but on the response only comes the values and I can't show properly on the Json answer to app. Python Code
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'
app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = ''
app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'didaxis'
mysql = MySQL(app)
@app.route('/insertAlumno', methods = ['POST'])
def insertAlumno():
nombre = request.json['nombre']
apellidoPaterno = request.json['apellidoPaterno']
apellidoMaterno = request.json['apellidoMaterno']
fechaNacimiento = request.json['fechaNacimiento']
direccion = request.json['direccion']
telefono = request.json['telefono']
correo = request.json['correo']
matricula = request.json['matricula']
curso = request.json['curso']
dataUser = (nombre, apellidoPaterno, apellidoMaterno, fechaNacimiento, direccion, telefono, correo, matricula, curso)
conect = mysql.connection.cursor()
conect.callproc('insertarAlumno', dataUser)
data = conect.fetchall()
return data
Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE insertarAlumno(_nombre VARCHAR(50),
_apellidoPaterno VARCHAR(30),
_apellidoMaterno VARCHAR(30),
_fechaNacimiento DATE,
_direccion VARCHAR(100),
_telefono VARCHAR(20),
_correo VARCHAR(50),
_matricula VARCHAR(50),
_curso VARCHAR(10))
DECLARE idPersonaTemp,idUserTemp INT DEFAULT 0;
INSERT INTO persona (nombre,apellidoPaterno,apellidoMaterno,fechaNacimiento,direccion,telefono,correo)
VALUES (_nombre,_apellidoPaterno,_apellidoMaterno,_fechaNacimiento,_direccion,_telefono,_correo);
SET idPersonaTemp = last_insert_id();
INSERT INTO usuario (usuario,pass,estatus)
VALUES (_matricula,_matricula,1);
SET idUserTemp = last_insert_id();
INSERT INTO alumno VALUES (_matricula,idPersonaTemp,idUserTemp,_curso,1);
SELECT * FROM vista_alumnos WHERE id = _matricula;
END //
Response that I get from Postman
"Fri, 23 Oct 1998 00:00:00 GMT",
"Miguel Hidalgo 515",
"[email protected]",
I hope that some one can explain me about this issue and how i could get one response json with column name to identify values.
I got the answer add a few lines on the Python Code
conect = mysql.connection.cursor()
conect.callproc('insertarAlumno', dataUser)
*columns=[x[0] for x in conect.description]
data = conect.fetchall()
*for result in data:
*return jsonify(json_data)
The lines that starts with a * was modified vs the post or just was added.