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influxdb - order of columns

I am writing measurement to influxdb with InfluxDBClient library

entry = [{
            "time": int((self.end)),
            "measurement": "measurement1",
            "fields": {
                "eventId": self.eventId,
                "start": self.start,
                "end": self.end,
                "lifetime": self.lifetime,

I have noticed that the db is not respecting given order of columns, instead the time is first and then column names in alphabetical order

>SELECT * FROM "measurement1" 
time end eventId hostName lifetime start

How to enforce order given in entry?


  • If your using InfluxQL there is no option to sort the results other than the time field

    If you are using flux in then it possible to sort the query results.

      |> range(start:-12h)
      |> filter(fn: (r) =>
        r._measurement == "system" and
        r._field == "uptime"
      |> sort(columns:["region", "host", "_value"])