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react-icons - Can't change color Grommet icons

I'm using react-icons and with Font Awesome icons I managed to change color easily with 2 approaches:

Works with color prop:

<FaUserTimes /* color="#023373" */ className="icone icone-40" />

Works with css:

.icone {
  color: #023373; 

Now, using Grommet icons nothing seems to work, icons are always black

<GrFormAdd color="#023373" className="icones" />

.icones {
    font-size: 30px; **Font size works!?**
    color: #023373;

enter image description here


  • Full Code :

    For color pass a props (i called it blue) like this.

    <Apple color="blue" size="xlarge" />

    So on the other end style your icon like this.

    const customColorTheme = deepMerge(base, {
        icon: {
          extend: css`
            ${(props) =>
              props.color === "blue" &&
            fill: #023373;