In roblox somebody came up to me in a game and said they could ddos the server, I didn't believe them because tons of random kids say that they can "ddos" But then he said he would. To my amazement the server froze and all the people were stuck walking. I was just wondering If this was done with a free boot tool or something else? Because I would love to do that!
DDOS stands for Distributed Denial of Service attack. DDoS attacks are conducted by multiple sources that distrupts the traffic so that the service is unavailable. But there is probably protection that protects the servers against basic DDoS attacks. Probably what you have witnessed is just a kiddo who pretends to be "hacker".
Edit: Do not do any DDoS attacks by the way. Distrupting the traffic just so beacuse you want the temporarily stop the access to the service is stupid and illegal.