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How can I clone a tree structure of an array of objects to another one, changing attributes to the cloned?

How can I clone a tree structure of an array of objects to another one, having different or less attibutes on the cloned one in TypeScript? For example on this:

         { "id":1, "value":"test" },
         { "id":1, "value":"test" }
      "anObject":{ "id":1, "value":"test" },

I need a clone of it but instead of "name" the atribute "label", instad of "extradata" = "key" and without the "anArray" and "anObject". Like this:


I need to clone it, to use it the data format for the primeng tree component.

I am trying with something like

this.myTree =, index) => Object.assign({}, {
                                key: m.extradata,
                                children: m.children

but the children are not following the same shape.


  • I would do this by first defining interfaces for the input and output types in question:

    interface InputTree {
      name: string,
      extradata: string,
      anArray: any[],
      anObject: object,
      children: InputTree[]
    interface OutputTree {
      label: string,
      key: string,
      children: OutputTree[];

    It looks like your input is an InputTree[] by that definition, and you want to produce an OutputTree[]. Trees are recursive, so you should write a treeMap() function that operates on an InputTree[] and then calls itself recursively on the children of each InputTree in the array. Like this:

    const treeMap = (inputTree: InputTree[]): OutputTree[] => => ({
      key: t.extradata,
      children: treeMap(t.children)
    const actual = treeMap(tree);

    You can verify that this produces the output you expect:

    console.log(JSON.stringify(expected)===JSON.stringify(actual)); // true

    Playground link to code