I am trying to develop a rating system which can list the individuals who have contributed most to my organization on GitHub. I am trying to do that by counting the number of "merged" pull requests created by an user in any of the org's repo.
I am somewhat familiar with GitHub APIs, but I am facing difficulty figuring out the proper requests to make. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you all. Also, it will be nicer if contributions counted this way include those in private repos also.
PS: I don't want to use number of commits as a count, because that is not a precise measure, as in developing a feature some users keep committing one file at time, while others commit after creating a bunch of them. So, please don't suggest that.
Also, there are invalid pull requests also, or some which turn stale, I don't wanna count those in number of contributions.
You can use a search query to look for issues :
: type:pr
author:{some user}
org:{some org}
The search query :
org:mui-org author:eps1lon type:pr is:merged
The call would be :
Then filter the total count, an example using curl and jq :
curl -s "https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=org:mui-org%20author:eps1lon%20type:pr%20is:merged" | \
jq '.total_count'
What you could do is using GraphQL API to :
So you end up with only 2 requests
An example in python :
import requests
token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
org = "mui-org"
userQuery = """
organization(login: "%s"){
membersWithRole(first: 100){
nodes {
pullRequestQuery = """
%s: search(query: "org:%s author:%s type:pr is:merged", type: ISSUE){
def makeCall(query):
r = requests.post("https://api.github.com/graphql",
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"
json = {
"query": query
return r.json()["data"]
userList = makeCall(userQuery % org)
#build a list of keys matching user (user0: johndoe ....)
keyList = {}
for idx, user in enumerate(userList["organization"]["membersWithRole"]["nodes"]):
keyList[f"user{idx}"] = user["login"]
#build the query
builtQuery = "".join([
pullRequestQuery % (t, org, keyList[t])
for t in keyList.keys()
result = makeCall("{%s}" % builtQuery)
#match the original user login
stats = {}
for it in result.keys():
stats[keyList[it]] = result[it]["issueCount"]
output :
{'kof': 1, 'pelotom': 57, 'mbrookes': 487, 'dtassone': 78, 'sebald': 29, 'hai-cea': 14, 'kgregory': 21, 'oliviertassinari': 2077, 'merceyz': 70, 'nathanmarks': 80, 'mnajdova': 56, 'leMaik': 45, 'DanailH': 4, 'alitaheri': 98, 'm2mathew': 6, 'eps1lon': 715, 'DDDDDanica': 13, 'joshwooding': 110, 'dimitropoulos': 2, 'dmtrKovalenko': 352}