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switch tabs in playwright test

I'm trying to switch between tabs using playwright tests but it's not taking control of windows element. Do we have any method similar to selenium driver.switchto().window() in playwright?

const { chromium } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
    const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, args: ['--start-maximized'] });
    const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: null });
    context.on("page", async newPage => {
        console.log("***newPage***", await newPage.title())
    const page = await context.newPage()
    const navigationPromise = page.waitForNavigation()

    // dummy url
    await page.goto('')
    await navigationPromise

    // User login
    await page.waitForSelector('#username-in')
    await page.fill('#username-in', 'username')
    await page.fill('#password-in', 'password')
    await'//button[contains(text(),"Sign In")]')
    await navigationPromise

    // User lands in application home page and clicks on link in dashboard 
    // link will open another application in new tab 

    await navigationPromise
    await page.context()
    // Waiting for element to appear in new tab and click on ok button
    await page.waitForTimeout(6000)
    await page.waitForSelector('//bdi[text()="OK"]')



  • Assuming "launch-app-from-dashboard" is creating a new page tag, you can use the following pattern to run the subsequent lines of code on the new page. See multi-page scenarios doc for more examples.

    // Get page after a specific action (e.g. clicking a link)
    const [newPage] = await Promise.all([
      context.waitForEvent('page'),'a[target="_blank"]') // Opens a new tab
    await newPage.waitForLoadState();
    console.log(await newPage.title());

    Since you run headless, it might also be useful to switch the visible tab in the browser with page.bringToFront (docs).