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what is the best way to join records of multiple dimension tables that are all connected by a common fact table

So I have a fact table that connects multiple dimension tables. Say for dimension tables I have customer, product, and date.

Customer has id, name

Product has id, price

Date has id, year

Fact table has cus_id, pro_id, and date_id. All ids are foreign keys from the above tables.

if I want to display a table that has cus_name, pro_price, date_year.

What would be the query that efficiently join these tables.

Thank you.

To answer the question from the comment what I have attempted, I have not attempted anything yet simply because I don't know how. I understand how to join tables of customer and product, if they are related by a foreign key, but in this case, customer is only related to the fact table, I can join customer and fact table by join on = fact_table.cus_id, but I do not know how to join customer with product.

Thank you


  • SELECT * FROM Fact F

    LEFT JOIN Customer C ON = F.cus_id

    LEFT JOIN Product P ON = F.pro_id

    LEFT JOIN Date D ON = F.date_id

    Since youre joining on id's they cant be double This will display every row in Fact table (with ForEach loop )

    note: This does not display all data because not all date might be in Fact (but since i assume Fact == invoice so that wouldnt be needed)