I have connected my coral device to my Windows laptop running UBUNTU 20.04 1)When I try to " scp file.tar.gz @: /home/, I get an error stating "ssh: connection to port 22: lost connection and sometimes refused connection". I tried to put my Mendel boards IP and host username, then it asked me for my password but then denied permission.
2)Now I wanted to try it using the SD card. So I formatted the SD card in ext4 format and mounted it using " sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1 /mnt. And I can access contents of the SD card.
Now my question is- how do I transfer contents(files and pics) from SD to the Coral board and vice-versa?
I'd appreciate a detailed answer please. If you know the answer to query 1) please mention or if you know the answer to both pls try to help.
Thank you.
mdt push
or mdt pull
to move file from and to the dev board.
Refer to this doc: https://coral.ai/docs/dev-board/mdt/#mdt-commands~/.config/mdt/keys/mdt.key
, you can try ssh/scp using that keyssh -i ~/.config/mdt/keys/mdt.key mendel@ip-addr
If that doesn't works, you can also make your own key:
Then copy your public key on to the dev board's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
and everything should works as normal ssh :)
cp /mnt/file-you-want /home/mendel/where-you-want