I have a paginated cursor based query TODOS and detail page with query TODO to get data by ID. Whenever I go to detail view and use useQuery with TODO query (Which contains exactly same data as TODOS query result, it still tries to get data from server not from cache. How can I achieve to not get data from server (Because it already exists), I thought Apollo detect by id and return from the cache but no. Any suggestions ?
Similar issue as no this post, but I don't think thats a right approach, there should be better solution. (I hope)
This is TODOS query:
query TODOS(
$paginationOptions: PaginationOptionsInput
) {
todos(paginationOptions: $paginationOptions) {
pagination {
result {
And on detail page I have second query TODO
query (
$todoId: String!
) {
todo(todoId: $todoId) {
Since I am using Apollo-client < 3.0 for me cacheRedirect worked fine, you can have a look farther here. Read every note carefully it is really important! My code example:
cache: new InMemoryCache({
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
todo: (_, args, { getCacheKey }) => {
return getCacheKey({ __typename: 'TodoType', id: args.todoId })
Found some good relevant article as well, which you might want to check. This worked for me, hope it helps to someone else as well. :)