For a project I use a ROS-MQTT bridge in Python. This is a library obtained from the ROS Wiki. The library can be found here:
One of the python files ( uses the following lines of code:
# load serializer and deserializer
serializer = params.get ('serializer', 'json: dumps')
deserializer = params.get ('deserializer', 'json: loads')
When running the roslaunch command to start the program, I get the following error referring to the above code: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dumps'.
I have looked at this question, but the answers are not helping my situation. I can't find a file anywhere, so I can't rename it either. If I do find sudo. -print | grep -i '. * [.] py'
I only get the following files:
For those interested, the traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/mqtt_bridge/", line 9, in <module>
mqtt_bridge_node ()
File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mqtt_bridge/", line 50, in mqtt_bridge_node
mqtt_client, serializer, deserializer, mqtt_private_path)
File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mqtt_bridge/", line 15, in create_config
serializer = lookup_object (serializer)
File "/opt/ros/melodic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mqtt_bridge/", line 12, in lookup_object
obj = getattr (module, obj_name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dumps'
For the people interested in the full file:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import inject
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import rospy
from .bridge import create_bridge
from .mqtt_client import create_private_path_extractor
from .util import lookup_object
def create_config(mqtt_client, serializer, deserializer, mqtt_private_path):
if isinstance(serializer, basestring):
serializer = lookup_object(serializer)
if isinstance(deserializer, basestring):
deserializer = lookup_object(deserializer)
private_path_extractor = create_private_path_extractor(mqtt_private_path)
def config(binder):
binder.bind('serializer', serializer)
binder.bind('deserializer', deserializer)
binder.bind(mqtt.Client, mqtt_client)
binder.bind('mqtt_private_path_extractor', private_path_extractor)
return config
def mqtt_bridge_node():
# init node
# load parameters
params = rospy.get_param("~", {})
mqtt_params = params.pop("mqtt", {})
conn_params = mqtt_params.pop("connection")
mqtt_private_path = mqtt_params.pop("private_path", "")
bridge_params = params.get("bridge", [])
# create mqtt client
mqtt_client_factory_name = rospy.get_param(
"~mqtt_client_factory", ".mqtt_client:default_mqtt_client_factory")
mqtt_client_factory = lookup_object(mqtt_client_factory_name)
mqtt_client = mqtt_client_factory(mqtt_params)
# load serializer and deserializer
serializer = params.get('serializer', 'json:dumps')
deserializer = params.get('deserializer', 'json:loads')
# dependency injection
config = create_config(
mqtt_client, serializer, deserializer, mqtt_private_path)
# configure and connect to MQTT broker
mqtt_client.on_connect = _on_connect
mqtt_client.on_disconnect = _on_disconnect
# configure bridges
bridges = []
for bridge_args in bridge_params:
# start MQTT loop
# register shutdown callback and spin
def _on_connect(client, userdata, flags, response_code):
rospy.loginfo('MQTT connected')
def _on_disconnect(client, userdata, response_code):
rospy.loginfo('MQTT disconnected')
__all__ = ['mqtt_bridge_node']
Does anybody know what the issue could be?
After 5 hours of trying and researching I figured out that one of the packages dependencies was missing. The package was checking for missing dependencies, except for that one.
By adding some prints in additional files I figured out that it wasn't json that was missing. It was a dependency called msgpack.
After executing pip install msgpack-python==0.4.8
I could succesfully run the code.