I'm using WPF to create two ListViews and implement drag-drop functionality. (both intra-listview and inter-listview)
I found an interesting post here which does that.
However, there is a problem. When I drag a listviewitem from listView1, I see the adorner (the ghost image) only inside listView1. When I want to drop the listviewItem on ListView2, I must see the adorner there as well. Basically, the adorner appears only on the listView from which the drag operation started. Once it is outside the listView, it disappears.
I have done a bit of research and could not find a way to make the adorner visible outside the control from which the drag was initiated.
Can anyone help me with some suggestions?
Wire up the GiveFeedback event to update the adorner location beyond the listview. Updated ListView property from the example and method below (and in the listview_DragLeave method you won't want to collapse the adorner):
/// <summary>
/// Gets/sets the ListView whose dragging is managed. This property
/// can be set to null, to prevent drag management from occuring. If
/// the ListView's AllowDrop property is false, it will be set to true.
/// </summary>
public ListView ListView
get { return listView; }
if( this.IsDragInProgress )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot set the ListView property during a drag operation." );
if( this.listView != null )
#region Unhook Events
this.listView.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= listView_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
this.listView.PreviewMouseMove -= listView_PreviewMouseMove;
this.listView.DragOver -= listView_DragOver;
this.listView.DragLeave -= listView_DragLeave;
this.listView.DragEnter -= listView_DragEnter;
this.listView.GiveFeedback -= listView_GiveFeedback;
this.listView.Drop -= listView_Drop;
#endregion // Unhook Events
this.listView = value;
if( this.listView != null )
if( !this.listView.AllowDrop )
this.listView.AllowDrop = true;
#region Hook Events
this.listView.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += listView_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
this.listView.PreviewMouseMove += listView_PreviewMouseMove;
this.listView.DragOver += listView_DragOver;
this.listView.DragLeave += listView_DragLeave;
this.listView.DragEnter += listView_DragEnter;
this.listView.GiveFeedback += listView_GiveFeedback;
this.listView.Drop += listView_Drop;
#endregion // Hook Events
void listView_GiveFeedback(object sender, GiveFeedbackEventArgs e)
if (this.ShowDragAdornerResolved)