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Cucumber doesn't allow invalid enums after update from info.cukes to io.cucumber

I'm migrating cucumber from old version from package info.cukes to latest io.cucumber. I noticed that old version allows invalid enum values as test arguments and returns null but latest version throws exception io.cucumber.core.exception.CucumberException: Could not convert arguments for step...

How can I keep old behaviour in my tests after migration? Below example code to reproduce error.

#  feature file with test definition
Feature: Parsing enums

  Scenario: Parse enum using empty string
    Given I'm parsing enum ""
//Step definition code
    @Given("^I'm parsing enum \"(.*?)\"$")
    public void i_m_parsing_enum(MyEnum arg1) throws Throwable {
        System.out.println(arg1); // should print null but throws exception after library upgrade
//Simple enum
public enum MyEnumo {
    abc, def


  • Following @luis-iñesta comment I wrote simple try-catch using @ParameterType annotation:

        public MyEnum myEnum(String name) {
            try {
                return MyEnum.valueOf(name);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
                return null;
        @Given("I'm parsing enum \"{myEnum}\"")
        public void i_m_parsing_enum(MyEnumo arg1) throws Throwable {

    Works in this one case but I still wonder if there is some switch or parameter to keep old cucumber behaviour.