I am making an api call and based on the response, I have to update the state. This is what I am doing.
function* testEndpointConnectivity(action){
const { testConnectivityUri, rowItem } = action.payload
const res= yield call( fetch(testConnectivityUri).then(response => {
//something here
yield put({type: SOME_ACTION});
But this doesn't work. I get the error
Error: call: argument fn is undefined
At first I tried putting the yield put in the catch and then of the response, but stackoverflow told me to use yield call.
Please help here.
It's not correct
if you check doc you will see the first argument it's function and then you can send arguments:
call(fn, ...args)
So, in your example correct variant must look like:
function* testEndpointConnectivity(action) {
const { testConnectivityUri, rowItem } = action.payload;
const response = yield call(fetch, testConnectivityUri);
// and in generator you can wait your answer, you dont need use .then
console.log("response", response);
yield put({ type: SOME_ACTION });
// this error mean, first argument in call function must be fetch
Error: call: argument fn is undefined