Having issues since the recent appcfg deprecation. My project is java8 built with ant in a jenkins pipeline to GCP.
[exec] 95% Application deployment failed. Message: Deployments using appcfg are no longer supported. See https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/deprecations
In GCP I have 3 projects, dev, test and live. I build with the parameter to match the project via jenkins. E.g. building with test passes a parameter of deploy-test.
Snippets from ant build.xml:
<target name="deploy-test" depends="build, setup-for-appengine, setup-for-test, deploy"></target>
<target name="deploy-live" depends="build, setup-for-appengine, setup-for-live, deploy"</target>
<target name="setup-for-test" description="Configuration for test">
(Some config stuff e.g. replacing app id and version in the appengine-web.xml)
<target name="deploy" description="Upload to App Engine.">
<exec executable="${FILE PATH TO appcfg.sh}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="update '${.ENV FILE PATH}/war'" />
I've updated from App Engine SDK to Cloud SDK and migrated to gcloud CLI. My executable in build.xml is now:
<target name="deploy" description="Upload to App Engine.">
<exec executable="${FILE PATH TO gcloud executable}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="app deploy '${.ENV FILE PATH}/war'" />
This deployment will run successfully via jenkins but this results in a 500 error and targets dev instead of test. The only things changed are file paths from App Engine SDK to Cloud SDK and migrated to gcloud command.
[exec] descriptor: [filepath/appengine-web.xml]
[exec] source: [filepath/war]
[exec] target project: [dev]
[exec] target service: [default]
[exec] target version: [version no.]
[exec] target url: [https://dev.appspot.com]
Any direction will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Resolved by adding --project and --version as and are no longer respected in the appengine-web.xml. -q is added to pass any prompts such as updates.
<target name="deploy" description="Upload to App Engine.">
<exec executable="${FILE PATH TO gcloud executable}" failonerror="true">
<arg line="app deploy '${.ENV FILE PATH}/war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml' --project=${application_id} --version=${application_version} -q" />
I also had some issues with GCP and changing permissions of gservice account scope of projects which is now resolved.