I'm using Google Drive API in Python to make archiving of my files. However i am having an issue renaming the copy of my original file.
The title of my new file defaults to
'Copy of + original filename'
However I want my new file's name is
'original filename + current date'
I can't find how to change the title configure in the copied code or rename the new file I have copied.
The copy code I used is:
Does anyone know how to rename a file title in Python? Or any alternate method will also be welcome.
I'm unsure how exactly you want the date and the copied file name to be formatted, but you can do the following:
from datetime import date
def copyFile(service, fileId):
fileName = service.files().get(fileId=fileId).execute()["name"]
copyId = service.files().copy(fileId=fileId).execute()["id"]
currentDate = date.today()
copyName = "{} | {}".format(fileName, currentDate)
body = { "name": copyName }
service.files().update(fileId=copyId, body=body).execute()