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Find data node js using knex

i just created a function to enter using google oauth. If the data has the same google user id, the data should not add with the same google user id, but what I created can't compare the same data.

Here's my function:

// Check user
    const existingUser = new User(database)
    await existingUser.getUserGoogleId({ google_user_id: })
    if (existingUser) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        console.log('User already exists in our DB')
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        return done(null, existingUser)

And here's my repository:

async getUserGoogleId(google_user_id) {
    const query = this.db

    return query.first()

Can you guys tell me and maybe give some improvement from it? Thank's. sorry if I have a bad explanation


  • You are passing an object to your getUserGoogleId, then in the where clause you are creating a nested object.

    The object that you pass to the where clause looks like:

      google_user_id: {
        google_user_id: 'some-id';

    All you need to fix this is pass the object it self:

    async getUserGoogleId(google_user_id) {
      return this.db
        .select('id', 'google_user_id', 'username')
        // --------^

    Tip: enable .debug() at the end of the query to check what query & params are passed to the DB.