I have an XML path that exceeds 100 characters (and therefore truncates when the source is saved). My statement is something like this:
Exec SQL
Select Whatever
Into :Stuff
From Table as X,
XmlNamespaces('http://namespace.url/' as "namespacevalue"),
'$X/really/long/path' Passing X.C1 as "X"
Field1 Char(3) Path 'example1',
Field2 Char(8) Path 'example2',
Field3 Char(32) Path '../example3'
) As R;
I must break $X/really/long/path across multiple lines. Per IBM's documentation,
The plus sign (+) can be used to indicate a continuation of a string constant.
However, this does not even pass precompile ("Token + was not valid"). I suspect this is due to where the string is in the statement.
I have also tried:
I have considered:
Is there any way to span this specific literal in an XmlTable function across multiple lines in my source? Thanks for any and all ideas!
Something like
Exec SQL
Select Whatever
Into :Stuff
From Table as X,
XmlNamespaces('http://namespace.url/' as "namespacevalue"),
long/path' Passing X.C1 as "X"
Field1 Char(3) Path 'example1',
Field2 Char(8) Path 'example2',
Field3 Char(32) Path '../example3'
) As R;
Should work, is that what you tried ?