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nuget push to artifacts from build script fails to authenticate

I have a build script written in FAKE, that I want to run under devops pipeline. The build works from my laptop. I've got the YAML to trigger and run the build, and it builds but fails to push the artifacts into the nuget repository.

I've generated a PAT, and used that (explicitly for now) in the NuGetPublish call.

    (fun p ->
        p with
          Project = name
          Version = version
          PublishUrl = "https://...../nuget/v3/index.json"
          WorkingDir = "."
          OutputPath = path
          AccessKey = "bla bla bla" 

this works from my laptop but on Azure it simply retries and reties...

NugetPublish from..
NugetPublish from..D:\a\1\s\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema\bin\Release\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema.1.1.2.nupkg
Starting task 'NuGet-Push': US.2018r2.000.024.Schema.1.1.2.nupkg
D:\a\1\s\tools\NuGet\nuget.exe push "D:\a\1\s\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema\bin\Release\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema.1.1.2.nupkg" -ApiKey <NuGetKey> -Source -Timeout 300 in WorkingDir: D:\a\1\s Trials left: 5
.> "D:\a\1\s\tools\NuGet\nuget.exe" push "D:\a\1\s\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema\bin\Release\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema.1.1.2.nupkg" -ApiKey <NuGetKey> -Source -Timeout 300 (In: false, Out: false, Err: false)
CredentialProvider.VSS: Getting new credentials for source:, scope:vso.packaging_write vso.drop_write
CredentialProvider.VSS: Getting new credentials for source:, scope:vso.packaging_write vso.drop_write
CredentialProvider.VSS: Getting new credentials for source:, scope:vso.packaging_write vso.drop_write
D:\a\1\s\tools\NuGet\nuget.exe push "D:\a\1\s\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema\bin\Release\US.2018r2.000.024.Schema.1.1.2.nupkg" -ApiKey <NuGetKey> -Source -Timeout 300 in WorkingDir: D:\a\1\s Trials left: 4

"Getting new credentials for" etc etc etc

I know you can publish from a pipeline task, but I'm just trying to pick this up and port from Jenkins, I quite like the build script to do a lot, and the pipeline to do, not very much.

---- amendment ---

Having dug a little further it seems the ApiKey is almost literally meaningless, and you need to use something like...

nuget sources add -name "Kookerella2" -source -username anything -password [PAT]

just trying it now explicitly through using a "script" driven from the yaml.

---- that worked, see below (I can't mark it as an answer until tomorrow) ------

the only outstanding issue is......putting a PAT key in the YAML is not am I supposed to do it?

I tried

  - script: nuget sources add -name "Kookerella2" -source -username anything -password %SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN%
      SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)    

and if I attempt to "echo %SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN%" I just get ***....


  • So the answer was to ignore the API key, it does nothing, you need to give access to Nuget to the repository.

    I used the PAT key by creating a new PAT key from devops

    and then include a script in my yaml..obviously the example is a fake PAT.

    name: $(Rev:r)
    - master
    - job: Windows
        vmImage: 'windows-2019'
      - task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
      - task: UseDotNet@2
          packageType: 'sdk'
          version: '3.1.201'        
      - script: dotnet tool restore
        displayName: Install FAKE
      - script: nuget sources add -name "ACME" -source -username anything -password 5xxxxxxxxxxxq
        displayName: nuget add source
      - script: dotnet fake build
        displayName: Run Build

    this works!....but...I think having the PAT key in the YAML is not good practice.