Using JUnit 4, one could take control over test instance lifecycle using runners. For instance, I used to implement method createTest()
of BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
to have a fine-tuned instance creation (in my case, use Weld to retrieve a CDI-ready instance).
With JUnit 5, extensions are supposed to replace runners and rules. Yet, I cannot find a way to hook into test instance creation the way I could with JUnit 4.
Is there a way to tell JUnit Jupiter how to create my test instance (for example, using Weld container) without using dynamic tests?
Here is what I do now in JUnit 4, and want to be able to do in Jupiter:
public class ContainerRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {
private WeldContainer container;
public Object createTest() {
And later:
public class ContainedTest {
private Logger logger; // this works
public void testSomething() {
Thanks for any insights.
By now, it's probably best to use one of the two Weld JUnit 5 Extensions.
But to answer your question directly, you can (3 years later) write an extension that implements TestInstanceFactory
, i.e.:
class ContainerExtension implements TestInstanceFactory {
private WeldContainer container;
@Override public Object createTestInstance(TestInstanceFactoryContext factoryContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws TestInstantiationException {
Then your test uses @ExtendWith(ContainerExtension.class)
instead of @RunWith(ContainerRunner.class)