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How to get firstlineno for wraped function with __code__ in python?

I want to get the co_firstlineno for function in static way, The unwrapped function is ok, But if a method is wrapped, I can only get the lineno where the wrapper function is located.

import functools

def run(func):
    def warper(*args, **kwargs):
        res = func()
        return res
    return warper

def func_unwrapper():

def func_with_wrapper():

from importlib import util as module_util
import inspect

def load_moudle_by_path(path):
    foo = module_util.spec_from_file_location('md', path)
    md = module_util.module_from_spec(foo)
    return md

def get_line():
    md = load_moudle_by_path('')
    for name, o in inspect.getmembers(md):
        if inspect.isfunction(o):
            print('[{}]{}'.format(name, o.__code__.co_firstlineno))



enter image description here


  • I see what you were hoping for, but the behaviour is expected behaviour.

    func_with_wrapper really is running the code at line 4, with the code at line 13 (which is what you were probably hoping for / expecting) only being called based on the func parameter passed (the func_with_wrapper argument).

    After your own research, finding .__wrapped__, which functools graciously adds, there's no need to add something similar yourself.

    Your original code will work, if you update:

    def get_line():
        md = load_module_by_path('')
        for name, o in inspect.getmembers(md):
            if inspect.isfunction(o):
                    if o.__wrapped__:
                        print('decorated [{}]{}'.format(name, o.__wrapped__.__code__.co_firstlineno))
                except AttributeError:
                    print('undecorated [{}]{}'.format(name, o.__code__.co_firstlineno))


    undecorated [func_unwrapper]10
    decorated [func_with_wrapper]13
    undecorated [run]3