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ghidra errors when trying to open ELF file

I am very new to Ghidra, I have just installed it in order to try and decompile an ELF file. when trying to assign the file to the new Ghidra project, I get these error messages:

Loading language 'x86:LE:64:default' - Uncaught Exception: File not found - language probably did not compile properly

Can't read language spec C:\Program Files\ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC\Ghidra\Processors\x86\data\languages\x86-64.sla C:\Program Files\ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC\Ghidra\Processors\x86\data\languages\x86-64.sla (Access is denied)

What can I do to fix these?


  • I got the same error today. After trying a few things unsuccessfully (using a different version of JDK (and changing the environment variables to include the other JDK version), installing all the Ghidra extensions, and re-copying the x86-64.sla file, none of those worked. But, I decided to try running Ghidra as Administrator in the hopes it would not run into permission errors and voila!, it worked.