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Ant -- copying files and subdirectories from only one subdirectory on a tree

I'd like to copy files and subdirectories using Ant from a single subdirectory without copying the rest of the directory structure and contents. For example, I'd like to copy dir_3, its files (file_1 to file_n) and subdirectories (dir_4 and dir_5), but not dir_1 nor dir_2. Is there a pattern that I can use to do this?

           \-- file_1



  • <copy todir="${copy.dir}">
         <fileset dir="temp">
             <include name="**/dir3/**"/>

    When you use the include directive, it will only include the files that match the pattern you give it. In this case, I'm copying only those files that have /dir3/ somewhere in their full path name. This includes sub-directories under dir3 and all files under dir3.

    You can use the exclude directive to override the include directives:

    <copy todir="${copy.dir}">
         <fileset dir="temp">
             <include name="**/dir3/**"/>
             <exclude name="**/dir3/*"/>

    This will copy all sub-directories and files in those sub directories, but not the files under dir3 itself. The * matches all files in the directory while ** matches the all the files in the entire directory tree.

    Notice this will create a directory temp/dir2/dir3. If I want temp/dir3, I have to set my fileset to the parent directory of dir3:

    <copy todir="${copy.dir}">
         <fileset dir="temp/dir2">
             <include name="dir3/**"/>

    Doing this:

    <copy todir="${copy.dir}">
         <fileset dir="temp/dir2/dir3"/>

    Will create a directory temp with all the files directly under dir3 directly under temp. There will also be a temp/dir4 and temp/dir5 directory containing all the files (and directory trees) under those directories.