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Building framework.jar in AOSP

I am trying to build a framework.jar from android-x86 aosp but 'mm' in /frameworks/base return "No such file or directory". And also I tried "make framework" but after that framework.jar size in out 300 bytes. I tried "make modules" to get framework module name but list so long. May be somebody know what module name for build complete framework.jar ?

Update: I don't know why mm and mmm don't work for me, but I understand thats "make framework" work correctly, after android 5.0 java classes compiling in ART .oat and .odex files. But I try to reverse emulator framework.jar that have framework.jar fro dalvik with .dex files inside. And it confused me when I compared the builded and emulator file.


  • Firstly, you should have these in your ~/.bashrc when, and do a full build/flash. Otherwise making and building just parts of framework will cause the device to not boot. These will cause the first boot to be a tad slower since the pre-optimizations are not done at build time.

    export WITH_DEXPREOPT=false 
    export DISABLE_DEXPREOPT=true
    export DEX_PREOPT_DEFAULT=nostripping

    Next build, you can run just

    source build/ 
    lunch XXXXX-userdebug 
    make framework

    And to update on device

    adb root
    adb remount
    adb sync
    adb reboot