I'm used validate for vue js form validation.(https://vuelidate.js.org/#getting-started)
It's good to work with my all scenarios.
But it's not working in form upload file validation.
Because file type input can't set v-model attribute and I have the below error in v-model attribute adding time.
'v-model' directives don't support 'file' input type.
So that value not changed. My code sample below.
<input type="file" id="input-file-now" class="dropify" multiple accept="image/*"
@change="model.file = eDatas.target.files" v-bind:class="{'is-invalid': $v.model.file.$error}">
<div v-if="$v.model.file.$error" class="invalid-feedback">
Select Image
data () {
return {
model: {}
validations: {
model: {
title: { required },
file: {
required: requiredIf(function (nestedModel) {
return !this.model.file || this.model.file.length == 0;
I try to requiredIf
but that also not working. If you know this solution. Kindly share it with me.
I got my mistake. And requiredIf
is the solution to form file type input validation.
My mistakes are model
value init file: []
& requiredIf
data () {
return {
model: {
file: [] // New changes
validations: {
model: {
title: { required },
file: {
required: requiredIf(function (nestedModel) {
return this.model.file.length == 0; // New changes
The validate(https://vuelidate.js.org/#getting-started) is very useful in vue js