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How select data from two column in sql?

I have a table in postgresql as follow:

id |   name   | parent_id |
1  | morteza  |   null    |
2  |   ali    |   null    |
3  | morteza2 |     1     |
4  | morteza3 |     1     |

My unique data are records with id=1,2, and record id=1 modified twice. now I want to select data with last modified. Query result for above data is as follow:

id |   name   |
1  | morteza3 |
2  |   ali    |

What's the suitable query?


  • If I am following correctly, you can use distinct on and coalesce():

    select distinct on (coalesce(parent_id, id)) coalesce(parent_id, id) as new_id, name
    from mytable
    order by coalesce(parent_id, id), id desc

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    new_id | name    
    -----: | :-------
         1 | morteza3
         2 | ali