I'm doing the tutorial at https://awslabs.github.io/sockeye/tutorials/wmt.html.
The following command gives the output below.
python3 -m sockeye.train -d train_data \
-vs newstest2016.tc.BPE.de \
-vt newstest2016.tc.BPE.en \
--max-seq-len 60 \
--decode-and-evaluate 500 \
--use-cpu \
-o wmt_model
sockeye.utils.SockeyeError: Please specify at least one stopping criteria: --max-samples --max-updates --max-checkpoints --max-num-epochs --max-num-checkpoint-not-improved
What is a reasonable stopping criterium for this task?
The typical stopping criterion is early stopping, i.e., train the model until the validation loss improves. In Sockey, it is --max-num-checkpoint-not-improved
. See Sockey documentation for more details.