I had big table which I sliced to many smaller tables based on their dates:
for fecha in fechas:
#now I can acess the tables like this:
I have done some modifictions to the dfs['2019-06-23'] specific table and now I would like to save it on my computer. I have tried to do this in two ways:
#first try:
#second try:
both of them raised this error:
TypeError: get_handle() got an unexpected keyword argument 'errors'
I don't know why I get this error and haven't find any reason for that. I have saved many files this way but never had that before.
My goal: to be able to save this dataframe after my modification as csv
In the end what worked was to use pd.DataFrame and then to export it as following:
that suprised me because when I checked the type of the table when I got the error it was dataframe . However, this way it works.